connecting ideas
The next phase of online creative development will take place in how we come together online, and how the footprints we leave on the web will change your future experiences of it. Communiculture allowed us to develop an online space, but the rulers of interaction and agency have been the fellows behind Habbo Hotel.

Started a couple years ago as 'Mobiles Disco', this finnish company has been developing the technology to create a flexible and entertaining online world. In addition to being able to create your own characters and interact with thousands of other online members, you can purchase credits to develop your avatar's look and personal area. Now the company has hooked up with European cell phone providers to allow people to purchase credits through their cellphones. The meager charges show up on your monthly bill.

Another firm fostering the interactive online experience is the UK's Hi-Res. After releasing two very successful (and two of my personal favorite) websites, Donnie Darko and Requiem For A Dream they've just released an interactive community site for Mistubishi Motors called iMoveU.